Skaters: Joseph “Chopak Dumpings” Avazian, Michael Ayala, Zachary Blatt, Joseph Butler, Ezra Denman, Damien Trammel
Footage: Bro Cam
Editor: Dick Jones
Skaters: Joseph “Chopak Dumpings” Avazian, Michael Ayala, Zachary Blatt, Joseph Butler, Ezra Denman, Damien Trammel
Footage: Bro Cam
Editor: Dick Jones
10 118 11stair 180 2000 2001 2007 2008 360 360flip 5-0 50-50 5050 720P 8stair aaron abadi accident adio agoura Aleks Alien Amazing angeles ankle arm atm awesome axion b-side b2b back back to back backside bad bail baker bank barker bash battle beats before behind the fall behind the hammer behindthehammer berrics best bigspin blatt bleeding blood bloody blunt bluntslide board boardslide bone bones break breaking board Broken bs bside bubble butler calabasas Camera camino canon Chad cinemas city classic classic falls clayton clip clips comedy concrete concussion Cool crack cranium crash Crazy dan daniel danny de death deathwish definition dew Dick dick jones different dj DNA dotsv! downtown DVS el element epic es extreme face fail fails fakie fall falls feeble feel Fernandez fernando files filmer fish-eye flatbar flip foot footage footy fracture francisco free Friday frontside fs full part fun funny gap gl1 goofy grass grind gutterman halfcab hammer hammer time hammertime HD head heel heelflip hi8 high hilarious hills hip hipper hit Holmes hubba hueter humor hurt HVX200 hype incredible injury insane jake james jenkins jesse joe joke Jokes Jones jumping junt kenji kevin kickflip kid knapp knee krook kyle LA lab lakai land Laugh league ledge ledges leg lens line lipslide little logic lol long los lost luis luis de los reyes mad mag man manny manual mark markisa martin mike minute monica montage Moose motion mountain never new nike nikesb nollie noob northridge nose noseblunt nosegrind noseslide nut oaks old Ollie open Ordonez Ouch out own Ownage ownd owned oxnard P-rod pain painful panasonic park Paul paul rodriguez Paul Rodriguez (skateboarder) perfect planb pown pownd powned primo prod pudwill pwn pwnd pwned rad rail ramp ramped ranch reyes robbed robbery Rodriguez ruiz run ryan sack san santa school scrape seen SF SF Files! sffiles shake shoes shuv-it sick silly silver simi sk8 Skate Skateboard skateboarding skateboards skatepark skateshop Skating skull slam slide slip slip-out slipout slomo slow Slow Motion slow-mo slowmo smack smash smith Snap sony Spanky spinal spine splits splitz sprain stair stairs stars stick street stunt stunts switch Sylmar tail tailslide taira taylor teaser the thousand torey tour transworld trick tricks trucks tumble valley ventura venture video vm VX1000 wagner way wheels Win wreck wrist x-games yell yole young zach zack