Browsing: Zack (200)

Zack Blatt – LONG LOST CLIPS! #120

Like, favorite, and Subscribe for more! Long Lost Clips! Ep#120 – Today’s Long Lost Clip comes from 2007 and features a Zack Blatt doing the tree hippie jump at Griffith park long before Jamie Thomas did it, and in a line! Also check out!And follow me on Twitter –!/_DickJones

Hammer Time! – Gnarly Front Nose!

Like, Favorite, and Subscribe for more! This hammer comes from back in 2003 and features Zack Blatt busting a perfect fs nose slide on the San Francisco Powell Muni station rail. Aside from the many obstacles this rail normally has, skating it at night adds low light visibility and crackheads yelling at you in the middle of your attempt and then trying to take credit for the land. Few step-up to this extremely hard to skate rail, even fewer more than once, and almost no one more than twice. Also …(more info)

Hammer Time! – Gnarly Nollie Tail!

Like, Favorite, and Subscribe for more! This hammer comes from back in 2004 and features Zack Blatt busting a perfect mollie tail slide to fake on the San Francisco Powell Muni station rail. Few step-up to this extremely hard to skate rail, and even fewer more than once. Also check out!And follow me on Twitter –!/_DickJones

Hammer Time! – Legendary Line!

Like, Favorite, and Subscribe for more! This hammer comes from back in 2003 and features Zack Blatt busting a gnarly line at the San Francisco Powell Muni station rail. Few step-up to this extremely hard to skate rail, and even fewer do it in a line. Also check out! And follow me on Twitter –!/_DickJones

Hammer Time! – Huge Varial Heelflip!

Like, Favorite, and Subscribe for more! This hammer comes from back in 2005 and features Zack busting a high-speed varial heel flip over a huge bump to sidewalk gap. Side note, the bump os barley a bump, the gap is huge, and the landing ground is rough. Gnarly. Also check out!And follow me on Twitter –!/_DickJones