Browsing: Tumble (31)

FRIDAY FALL #44 – “Back Tail Bail”

Friday Fall! A new Fall every Friday! Today’s Fall features Robert Lim bailing on a back tail down the hubba, but succeeding with a back somersault down the two-stair.

FILMER FALL! – Bonus – #4

Friday Fall! A new Fall every Friday! Today’s BONUS Filmer Fall features some dumbass hitting a crack and then his face on the ground. But at least Mike Barker still got the line!

FRIDAY FALL #42 – PART-1 – “Lands! Friday”

Friday Fall! A new Fall every Friday! Today’s LAND!, PART-1 of 2, features a young am named Adelmo jr. back in 2002, warming up with two nollies down the Reeds gap.

FRIDAY FALL #42 – PART-2 – “Tailbone Trauma”

Friday Fall! A new Fall every Friday! Today’s FAll, PART-2 of 2, features a young Adelmo jr. back in 2002, sticking on a textbook nollie bs 180, and getting thrown straight onto his tailbone.

FRIDAY FALL #41 – “Rock Tumbler”

Friday Fall! A new Fall every friday! Today’s Fall features Zach Wagner at Griffith Park, getting hung up on a rock right before popping his trick. Filmed by Kenji Taira! Check out his channel “aLuthier” For more amazing skate videos! –