Browsing: Own (284)

FRIDAY FALL #5 – SLOW-MO! – “Fractured Forearm”

Friday Fall! A new Fall every Friday! Today’s Fall features a young Mike Barker coming up a bit short on an 11 stair kickflip and thus fracturing his arm… In SLOW-MO! Now-a-days, Mike Barker just turned Pro for Hype skateboards! Congratulations Barker!


Friday Fall! A new Fall every Friday! Today’s Fall features a young Mike Barker back in 2000, coming up a bit short on an 11 stair kickflip and thus fracturing his arm. Now-a-days, Mike Barker just turned Pro for Hype skateboards! Congratulations Barker!

FRIDAY FALL #4 – “Silly Stumble”

Friday Fall! A new Fall every Friday! Today’s Fall features… well, the title really says it all.

Worst Sack On A Rail Ever!

Friday Fall! A new Fall every Friday! Today’s Fall is an old one featuring a young Mark Gutterman performing a classic sacking maneuver on a kinked rail.

FRIDAY FALL #2 – “Ramp Wreck”

Friday Fall! A new Fall every Friday! Today’s Fall features Ryan underestimating his new mini-ramp.