Browsing: Hammer (99)

Hammer Time! – Gnarly Nollie Tail!

Like, Favorite, and Subscribe for more! This hammer comes from back in 2004 and features Zack Blatt busting a perfect mollie tail slide to fake on the San Francisco Powell Muni station rail. Few step-up to this extremely hard to skate rail, and even fewer more than once. Also check out!And follow me on Twitter –!/_DickJones

Hammer Time! – Legendary Line!

Like, Favorite, and Subscribe for more! This hammer comes from back in 2003 and features Zack Blatt busting a gnarly line at the San Francisco Powell Muni station rail. Few step-up to this extremely hard to skate rail, and even fewer do it in a line. Also check out! And follow me on Twitter –!/_DickJones

Hammer Time! – Huge Varial Heelflip!

Like, Favorite, and Subscribe for more! This hammer comes from back in 2005 and features Zack busting a high-speed varial heel flip over a huge bump to sidewalk gap. Side note, the bump os barley a bump, the gap is huge, and the landing ground is rough. Gnarly. Also check out!And follow me on Twitter –!/_DickJones

Hammer Time! – Nollie Tre-bomb!

Like, Favorite, and Subscribe for more! This hammer comes from back in 2007 and features Alecs Ordonez busting a huge nollie 360flip down a big four. Filmed by Kenji Taira! Check out his channel “aLuthier” For more amazing skate videos! Also check out!And follow me on Twitter –!/_DickJones

Hammer Time! – Gnarly Nose manny!

Like, Favorite, and Subscribe for more! This hammer comes from back in 2007 and features Yole busting an insane trick on a VERY awkward and hard to skate manny pad. Also check out!And follow me on Twitter –!/_DickJones