Browsing: Crash (50)

FILMER FALL! – Bonus – #2

Friday Fall! A new Fall every Friday! Today’s BONUS Filmer Fall features Yole Falling again, but this time while behind the camera.


Friday Fall! A new Fall every Friday! Today’s Fall features Kevin miscalculating a nose slide on a hubba. …In Slow-mo!

Epic Nose Manual Fail!

Friday Fall! A new Fall every Friday! Today’s Fall features Zack trying to nose-manny a ledge with a little too much wax on it… In SLOW-MO!

Harsh Rail Fail!

Friday Fall! A new Fall every Friday! Today’s Fall features Yole as he was warming up boardsliding this rail SF. Somewhere In the middle he decided to gracefully perform a Jack knife dive to the ground instead of the boadslide …In Slow-mo!

Hard Slam at Berkeley Skatepark!

Friday Fall! A new Fall every Friday! Today’s fall features Yole taking a mis-step back onto his board and slamming into the hard concrete… In Slow-mo!