Browsing: Comedy (211)

Harsh Rail Fail!

Friday Fall! A new Fall every Friday! Today’s Fall features Yole as he was warming up boardsliding this rail SF. Somewhere In the middle he decided to gracefully perform a Jack knife dive to the ground instead of the boadslide …In Slow-mo!

Hilariously Painful Skateboarding Fall!

Friday Fall! A new Fall every Friday! Today’s fall features Ryan getting caught on the way down of a wood extended embankment… in SLOW-MO!


Even more Manny Mayhem! Ryan double-board nose manual/manuals through a narrow, “U” shaped apartment and back again. He also did it first try!

FRIDAY FALL #4 – “Silly Stumble”

Friday Fall! A new Fall every Friday! Today’s Fall features… well, the title really says it all.

FRIDAY FALL #2 – “Ramp Wreck”

Friday Fall! A new Fall every Friday! Today’s Fall features Ryan underestimating his new mini-ramp.