Browsing: Amazing (618)

Mike Barker Gets Robbed By The Cops…

…of a tailslide bigspin. Barker only got two tries before getting completely robbed of the trick by the police.

Mike Barker Gets Robbed…

…of a varial heelflip down the Reed’s furniture gap back in 2002. The cops rolled up like sharks and ended the brutal session pre-maturely.

Paul Rodriguez Amazing Line at Courthouse In 2000!

P-Rod was clean and consistant even back in the year 2000! Here he does an amazing line with ease at the Santa Monica Courthouse (RIP).

FRIDAY FALL #19 – PART-3 – “Friday Land”

Friday Fall! A new Fall every Friday! Today’s LAND!, PART 3 OF 3, features Zack back in 2002, blasting over the grass and through the lengthy 50-50 for the land!

Paul Rodriguez Skates A CASL Contest Back In 2000!

Back in the year 2000, a young P-Rod skated a CASL contest at Skate Lab representing (OG) 118 skateshop (RIP). This was his 2nd place winning run.